
Kwoted – Car Repair Quotes

Car Repair Marketplace


Welcome to Kwoted, Australia’s leading marketplace for car repair vendors to easily send quotes on your damaged car, without you leaving the house.

You simply take a video or photo of your damaged car, and upload it to Kwoted by their web-app and within 24 hours you will receive all tailored quotes for your damage by trusted suppliers.


Visit Kwoted’s official site here.

Visit their mobile web-app here.


We worked very closely with the client who is the owner of his own repair shops whom he noticed had a hard time finding new work without a strong marketing strategy.

We provided full service, from idea to launch. Our expert team designed a custom user experience tailored to the client’s needs. We then developed the frontend and backend of the app, landing page and business signup pages. Our brand team also built Kwoted’s branding and unique identity.


Rapid MVP product was built in just 8 weeks, from our custom-designed mobile and desktop user experience.

ReactJs for Frontend
Python 3 Django Framework For Backend
AWS cloud infrastructure
PostgreSQL Database
Video Integration
Super Admin panel
Customer Support
Email & Notifications

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